“Like water, be gentle and strong. Be gentle enough to follow the natural paths of the earth,
and strong enough to rise up and reshape the world.” ~ Brenda Peterson

Saturday, October 1, 2011

So, what's in a name?

I just came from that other blog that I maintain, albeit, only once in awhile. While switching over, I realized that this blog is dark and gloomy, with a black background and insight into the dismal realities of far too many...while the SCO blog is full of clouds, blue skies, and goodness.

Gosh, the two blogs are polar opposites. What I am about to divulge may come as a shock to some, but I promise it is all for one common cause...THEM (our homeless friends.) Shout it Charlotte is sticking around, but the SCO blog isn't going to make the cut.

When we first started SCO, we were understandably naive about running a non profit, helping those in need, and figuring out the "charitable world." In truth, it has never been enough for me to just feed the homeless, and how could it be when they need so much more. I guess that is why I needed to blog on Shout it Charlotte. This blog became a safe haven for the things that I witnessed but wasn't "supposed to talk about," especially since my world is filled with upper middle class privileges, while the homeless world is filled with lower class emptiness and despair. It isn't right, not to mention the overall societal response to our homeless friends, and the stereotypes that surround them.

So many individuals have questioned my stance on certain issues over the years, and all I can say is... I am who I am. Love me or hate me, I won't ever apologize for standing up for their rights. They needed a voice, someone willing to step out there and raise awareness about the obstacles that they face, in addition to their separation from society. It's what we all should do, stand up for someone who cannot stand up for themselves.

Although I am not sorry for bringing this into focus, in a way I have realized that I simply cannot be both a provider and an informer, at least not on my own. Over the last month, I have entertained a lot of different ideas, I even very shortsightedly announced that I would "just be a volunteer." But, now I am content to say that SCO is getting a new image, a new mission statement, with a new name to go along with it!!

Operation Serve the Homeless
will be unveiled shortly. In the meantime, the meal service will continue. Will I miss SCO? Maybe a little, I mean after all SCO could practically be my last name, not to mention that one of my best friends and I created SCO together. But I am also excited about this new mission as it integrates feeding and assisting the homeless. "There are no endings, only beginnings."

I will be the first to admit, I don't have it all figured out. But, today this wonderful idea was brought to life, and for the first time in a long time I feel really good about this decision :)