“Like water, be gentle and strong. Be gentle enough to follow the natural paths of the earth,
and strong enough to rise up and reshape the world.” ~ Brenda Peterson

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Tonight I realized...

That you could possibly spend your whole life waiting and searching for that one big miracle. Or, you can embrace and cherish the small miracles that surround you, each and every day. nkj 9/29/11

It was another great night volunteering with the homeless population. We had a lot of leftovers so we walked one block up the street and passed out the remaining food. It was another truly humbling experience. I don't necessarily know if I can put it into words, but if I had to try I would describe it as real. Real and rewarding. Those homeless individuals were so thankful, they all spoke of God a lot...one even gave me a hug. Real, without space or social awkwardness between us -- just a few wonderful interactions, human to human.

Too often, people get wrapped up in who they are supposed to be that they forget to just be real. Tonight, I am so appreciative to all of our volunteers for keeping it real, and for our homeless friends for being real.